

An output iterator is an iterator that can write to the pointed-to element.


The type X satisfies is_output_itearator if

  • The type X satisfies is_iterator
  • X is a class type or a pointer type

And, given

  • o, a value of some type that is writable to the output iterator (there may be multiple types that are writable, e.g. if operator= may be a template. There is no notion of value_type as for the input iterators)
  • r, an lvalue of type X,

The following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects:

Expression Return Equivalent expression Pre-condition Post-conditions Notes
*r = o (not used)   r is dereferencable r is incrementable After this operation r is not required to be dereferenceable and any copies of the previous value of r are no longer required to be dereferenceable or incrementable.
++r X&   r is incrementable &r == &++r, r is dereferencable or past-the-end After this operation r is not required to be incrementable and any copies of the previous value of r are no longer required to be dereferenceable ble or incrementable.
r++ convertible to const X& X temp = r; ++r; return temp;      
*r++ = o (not used) *r = o; ++r;      


TICK_TRAIT(is_output_iterator, is_iterator<_>)
    template<class I, class T>
    static auto require(I&& i, T&& x) -> valid<
        decltype(*i = x),
        decltype(*i++ = x),
        decltype(returns<typename std::add_const<typename std::add_lvalue_reference<I>::type>::type>(++i))

    template<class I>
    auto require(I&& i) -> valid<
        decltype(require(std::forward<I>(i), std::declval<typename iterator_traits<I>::value_type>()))